Proyectos de investigación:
The use of gamma interferon in immune-modulation and prevention of infection in burn patients: A Phase III ensayo multicéntrico europeo; Co-Investigador, Servei de Cirurgia Plàstica i Cremats, Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, 1994-1995
Effects of IGF-1/BP3 on muscle catabolism; Co-investigador, University of Texas; 1997-1999
Comparison of Biobrane versus topical antibiotic treatment in partial thickness burns Co-investigador, University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, Texas 1997-1998
Sensitivity and specificity of broncho alveolar lavage and protected bronchial brush in the diagnosis of pneumonia in burn patients; Co-Investigador, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA, 1997-1999
Effects of rGH on burn scars; Co-investigator, University of Texas; 1998
Selective decontamination of digestive tract: effects on the inflammatory response and infection outcomes; Investigador principal, University of Texas, 1997-1999
Cost-efficacy of cultured epidermal grafts; Investigador principal, University of Texas; 1997-1999
Validation of nerve guides in nerve regeneration, Co-investigador, University of Groningen; 1999-2002
Determination of the catabolic response with micro-dialysis, Mid-Essex Research Foundation, Investigador principal, UK; 2002-2004
Evaluation of the effects of platelet rich plasma and platelet derived growth factors on wound Healing, Investigador principal, VHIR, Barcelona; 2006-presente
Antibiotics pharmaco-dynamics in burn patients: Microdialysis, Fundación Mutua Madrileña ; Investigador principal, Madrid; 2007-2008
Tratamiento de quemaduras de espesor parcial con terapia de ondas de choque pulsadas; Co-investigador, Institut de Recerca Vall d´Hebron, 2009
Gabapentin treatment in burn patients, Co-investigador, VHIR, Barcelona; 2011-presente
GLYADERM Ensayo Multicéntrico Europeo, VHIR, Barcelona (Promotor, Nederlanse Brandwonden Stichting, University of Gent); Investigador principal, 2010-presente
Determination of P.I.A. in burn patients; Investigador principal, VHIR, Barcelona; 2012-presente
Effects of Bosentan on the inflammatory and fibrotic response; Investigador principal, VHIR, Barcelona; 2010-presente
Phase II Clinical Trial of Prontosan-Gel study, BBraun Dexon, Investigador principal. 2012-presente
Phase III Clinical Trial, Birken Oleogel study; Coordinador Internacional de Ensayo Clínico Multicéntrico, 2012-presente
Observational study TenderWet in burns, Hartmann, Investigador principal, 2013-presente
Tratamiento de cicatrices hipertróficas con ondas de choque; Investigador principal, VHIR, Barcelona, 2013-presente
Estudio Aquacel-Globe, Convatec, Investigador principal, VHIR, Barcelona, 2013-presente