Augmentation mammoplasty

Augmentation mammoplasty, or breast augmentation, is a surgical procedure that is performed to increase the size of the breasts and improve their shape through the placement of breast implants.

Augmentation mammoplasty is possible for women who wish to increase the size of their breasts for aesthetic reasons, because of their breasts’ asymmetrical shape or because their breasts have lost volume and firmness after pregnancy or weight loss.

Aumento mamario en Barcelona

Transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation, which uses small incisions, is the newest technique that we use. In small-volume enhancements, this procedure can be done by transplanting the patient’s own fat (lipofilling) without the need for implant placement.

Take into account

Operating room 1-2h
Clinic stay 1 night
Deep sedation/general
Back to work 1-2 weeks

Recommended for…

  • Females with underdeveloped breasts
  • Females desiring larger breast size
  • To improve the physical appearance


  • Recovered body image
  • Improved self-esteem

Request a first assessment from Dr Joan Pere Barret

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